Oh, yes, this happened!
Leslie Sturgeon, the visionary and founder of Women Inspiring Women, has been named one of 200 “most influential business leaders in the Granite State” by the New Hampshire Business Review.Unprecedented in scope, the New Hampshire 200 is the product of a year-long research initiative by the editors of New Hampshire Business Review resulting in a personal, engaging look at the state’s most influential business leaders across major industries.

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We love to share resources, inspiration and other cool stuff with our WIW community. Check out our “Stimulate Your Mind, Nurture Your Soul” blog and you will find so much awesome material. Let us know if there is a topic you would like to see featured.
Member Directory
Our members do some pretty darn cool things. Although the member directory is under construction and doesn’t show all of our members, it will give you a snapshot of some of them and their businesses.
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New on the Blog: Stimulate Your Mind, Nurture Your Soul

Celebrating International Women’s Day
Celebrating International Women’s Day and the Power of Women at the NH Conference for Women March is a month of empowerment, reflection, and celebration as we honor International Women’s Day—a global movement recognizing the achievements, resilience, and potential of women everywhere. It’s a time … [Read More...]

It Was a Rough Day
We Learn When We Get Uncomfortable By Leslie Sturgeon, WIW Founder I had been excited to get updated branding photos to capture the older, bolder version of myself (the other photos were so old and a different time in my life). As the day was drawing near, this process turned into something that … [Read More...]

Member Spotlight on Amy Cunningham
Amy Cunningham has been in our WIW community for some time and it gives us great pleasure to introduce you to this remarkable woman. Recently we had a little girl talk with Amy and this is what she said! What do you do for a living? I am the founder and CEO of Self Reliance Hypnotherapy, LLC. I … [Read More...]

Six Words Were a Kick in the Stomach
Six Words Were a Kick in the Stomach By Leslie Sturgeon, WIW Founder "Why Don’t You Go Produce Something . . ." Six words. That’s it, six. Those few words hit me like a freight train when they came in a text a few years ago from someone close to me (and who is a fellow … [Read More...]

Motivation Constipation. Yes, It’s a Thing!
Motivation Constipation. Yes, It's a Thing! By Leslie Sturgeon, WIW Founder It was a familiar scene and feeling . . . Sitting at my desk paralyzed with indecision and droopy shoulders from so much weight on them. I was crampy, too. “I need relief. Make it stop,” kept swirling … [Read More...]

Go Deep or Rock The Boat?
Go Deep or Rock the Boat? How to embrace or make a shift! By Leslie Sturgeon, WIW Founder When everything is moving and shifting, the only way to counteract chaos is stillness. When things feel extraordinary, strive for ordinary. When the surface is wavy, dive deeper for quieter waters. -- … [Read More...]